The Residency Visa is granted to foreigners defined as Jews by the ‘Law of Return’ as well as to non-Jews whose lives are based in Israel: for example, people married to an Israeli citizen. Several visas in this category enable their holders to stay and work in Israel.

Residency Visa
Residency Visa Types
A.1 Visa
A.2 Visa
The A.5 Visa

Work Visas
The request for this visa (long- or short-term) may be submitted by any company registered in Israel, or by a company outside of Israel with a local representative who has power of attorney.
Residency Visa Types
Long-Term Work Visa
Short-Term Work Visa
Improved Expert Visa Terms for Expert Professionals in High-Tech and Cyber Companies
Did you know?
The Back to Tech program, run by the Israeli Innovation Authority, connects employers in Israel with Israelis returning from abroad who are interested in entering the high-tech industry. This can be useful for employers seeking highly skilled Israeli experts with international work experience. Employers registered with the program can receive information from the Innovation Authority about potential returning employees. Apply here: